
Rosslyn Chapel

With each new research I am surprised how dowsing has the property of connecting all the elements in a coherent structure. The building invisible architecture, the subtle, energetic body constitutes its backbone and founding cause. This minute architectural gem that is Rosslyn Chapel is no exception.
This artefact is the cornerstone around which deep esoteric knowledge and historical events swirl and intertwine, lost in the mists of time and crystallized in carved stone.

RADIESTHESIC ANALYSIS – We enter from the West Portal (where there is now an attached baptistery) encountering the usual drop at 3,000 Å (*Ångström) to mark the entrance into a sacred space. A quick check at the side entrances of the North and South Portals confirms the same phenomenon at 4,000 Å. Here we encounter a water vein that crosses the two portals perpendicularly to the central axis, which is traversed by a water vein surmounted by a fault line, as usual. Even the transept is crossed by a vein of water. The environment offers a reading of 15,500 Å overall.

OMPHALOS – The emergence is at the two pillars preceding the Lady Chapel: that of the Master (Earl) and that known as the Apprentice (Prince). Their evident masculine and feminine characteristics are found reversed, respect the usual order (usually feminine left side of the altar and masculine at the right). The Master’s pillar emanates 18,000 Å, but since no particular tellurism phenomena are noticed, we assume it is a resonance with the Apprentice’s pillar: here we have a reading of 45,000 Å due to the presence of a four-arm *cosmo-telluric chimney with dextrorotatory flux (in its positive, ascending expression, while it rhythmically reverses with a negative, descending return). The pillar shape carved into the stone exactly reproduces the cosmo-telluric chimney emanation shape. As we will see, the whole building originates its energetic and material meaning in this very point. We observe that, here, the double height of the church stops at the roof level and does not continue, as the very high energies that are amplified in height would not allow structural solidity over time beyond this height. The documented presence of beehives on the pinnacle is interesting, confirming the nature of the phenomenon which is particularly attractive to these hymenopterans.

PRINCE’S PILLAR – The base has, as ornamental motif, eight dragons from whose jaws protrude the branches that form the four Vine trunks (the four seasons) which, unraveling from the capital, give rise to the floral and geometric of the whole building decorations. Dragons are a perfect symbol for underworld energies. In the East, a pearl in the dragon’s mouth is a symbol for creation, fecundity. The tree, with its primitive column shape, represents the connection bridge between Heaven and Earth energies, like Yggdrasil, the Norse poem tree.
The Sinclair (St. Claire) family are descended from Rögnvald ‘The Mighty’ Orkney‘s Earl. On this island there are vast megalithic complexes with numerous Dolmens, indicating how these phenomena were their cultural heritage.

SAINT MATTHEW CHRONICLES – We will now see how the consecration to Saint Matthew is intrinsically consistent with the building’s nature. In the apocryphal text ‘Acts and martyrdom of Saint Matthew’ we read that the Saint, during a fast in the desert, receiving a visit from Christ, in the form of a child, who gives him a wand and sends him to Myrna (Smyrne), in Asia Minor, in order to perform miracles. Here Matthew, seated on a stone in the city square, plants his wand on the ground, finding a source of water (as Moses in the desert made water flow from a rock by beating his stick/rod on it) and producing the sprouting of a tree, a vine, which extends its branches producing fruit to feed the whole community.
The chronicle allegorical aspect contains Matthew’s dowsing ability who, with a rod (usually used to identify water sources), discovers a ‘tree’, or a cosmo-telluric chimney, which with its column of energy brings nourishment to the congregation. Thus the Myrna Tree of the St. Matthew’s Chronicles is a perfect archetype to represent the cosmo-telluric chimney, the column, which feeds the entire Rosslyn Chapel.
The stone carvings tell the same story. The pillar looks in the direction of the autumnal equinox (September 21st), the martyrdom day of Saint Matthew.

THE SECRET VAULT – During the dowsing surveys, in situ, a diligent guardian informed me about the possible existence of a vaulted burial chamber, where the twelve Sinclair family Earls would be buried in full armour. This chamber would have been sealed, to protect it from the English invasion, in 1650 when, on the death of John Sinclair in the Battle of Dunbar, he was buried there in full armour next to his ancestors. The limited time available did not allow a complete and exhaustive investigation, however, the presence of numerous underground tunnels dug into the hill and an underground room between the columns in front of the altar at a depth of thirty-two feet was noted.

THE JERUSALEM TEMPLE – We have previously observed how the two pillars (The Master and The Apprentice) are reversed in their male and female components (the male should be to the right of the altar). This leads us to observe the building upside down, reversing the direction of the central axis. As a result, the two pillars now mark the entrance to the temple, like Jachin and Boaz in a surprising, mirrored similarity with the Temple of Jerusalem. The pillar in the center represents the alchemical union between feminine (Boaz, Beauty, Kundalini, Yin, Black) and masculine (Jachin, Strength, Sushumna, Yang, White).

MITHRAIC CULTS – There are numerous archaeological sites attributable to the Mithras Cult around Edinburgh. The Rosslyn Chapel seems to be no exception, which features typical elements of the Mithraeum: the vault decorated with a starry sky and the autumn and spring equinoxes identification. The Mithras (Perseus) birth from the Rock would recall the Earth-Heavens energies reunion theme as the building’s founding element. Axis Mundi which keeps and reveals the secret of the Times in the Equinoxes Precession.

MUSIC OF THE SPHERES (CUBES) – The eclecticism and density of sapiential themes present in this building is such and so great that it is impossible to reassume in an article. However, it is important to mention, even briefly, the Scottish researchers Prior and the Mitchells work. Quoting Friedrich Schelling who described ‘architecture [as] music in space, a sort of frozen music’ these scholars have identified in the basrelief cubes upon the arches, musical notes, visible with Chladni’s method (producing a precise sound vibration on a ‘drum’ on which sand is poured producing a precise geometric figure uniquely connected to the sound). We suspects that the lack of glass in the building openings (originally) is attributable to the search for a precise acoustic phenomenon.

CONCLUSIONS – We had a quick look at this incredible artefact and have collected a very dense wisdom anthology that opens up infinite research paths that all come together in a coherent design that is perfectly visible in the Invisible Architecture that generates and encloses this incredible Rosslyn Chapel.

*ANGSTROM – The ångström, or angstrom, is a length unit (not belonging to the International System) corresponding to 0.1 nm (1×10⁻¹⁰ m). It is named after the Swedish physicist Anders Jonas Ångström, one of the fathers of spectroscopy. It is used as a unit of measurement in the Bovis Biometer, named after the Frenchman Andrè Bovis (1871-1947), who was the first to draw an energy scale as a function of wavelength for radiesthesic analysis. As a guideline, a healthy human being averages between 6,500 Å and 8,000 Å. Between 2,500 Å and 5,000 Å we are in the presence of geopathic points.

*COSMO-TELLURIC CHIMNEY – Cosmo-telluric chimneys are natural energy exchange phenomena between heaven and earth. They have a tubular shape (surrounded by an etheric field) with arms around them. They are flared at the top (which can also be hundreds of meters above), while the underground part ends with a bulb shape. Their energy exchange has an oscillatory pattern, like breathing, where the polarity is cyclically reversed. They have great mobility unless suitably fixed, in architecture for example. Depending on their energy exchanges they are considered ‘positive’ or ‘negative’; in sacred places there are positive cosmo-telluric chimneys which mainly exchange telluric energies.

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