The expressions of Cosmo-Telluric energies concern every land on which we build homes and where we carry out our activities. Staying for long periods in places particularly affected by these phenomena has manifestations on the inhabitants health and psyche. A geobiological analysis is essential to live in healthy spaces and for our daily activities to be lived in the best health and well-being conditions.
Geoarchitettura offers a complete geobiological service, from the home or site analysis to the solutions for the internal and external spaces harmonization.
Starting from the analysis on paper, the critical points will be identified. An instrumental analysis can then be agreed upon, on site.
Once the place characteristics have been understood, strategies will be proposed to resolve the stress caused by geopathies and improve the quality of living, agreeing on the most suitable operational strategy for each case.
The cost of the analysis on paper is $. 3.00/sq m, ($. 1K/Ha for large gardens and parks) while inspection and intervention proposals will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
You can consult us free of charge by filling out the form below or contacting us at the email address